Getting Started
Connect With An ExpertIf you are ready to take the next step and partner with the proven leader in wholesale carrier services, you can begin by signing up. Once you have finished entering your account information, you will need to enter a credit card number for the initial $35 pre-payment. We do not charge a setup fee for the Vitelity Link services, so the $35 will go into your account as a positive balance.
Next, you will receive a call back (to the number you provided) with an activation code that you will need in order to complete the signup process. Once you have activated your account, you can go to the support section (far right page tab at the top) and download a customer portal overview. This document will explain how to set up your phone or server for call traffic, buy services like DIDs, and submit your current number for portability to the Vitelity network.
If at any time you have questions or need assistance, please call our customer support team at 303-997-2300 or 888-898-4835 (if you are outside of the USA and Canada).